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Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Electron Tomography (ET)


Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Objects of study

Solid samples in the form of powder, plates, pellet and different things with size not more than 200 mm.


  • Study of the surface morphology of the solids with magnification by 5–300 000 times.
  • Study of microstructure of the surface of nonconductor materials in low vacuum (1–270 Pa).

Instrument facilities

Jeol JSM-6460 LV scanning electron microscope that is modern digital model of the universal electron microscopy allows to get image of the solids surface with magnification by 5–300 000 times and resolution of 3 nm.

An original microscope design allows to use the full set of devices and options for solid surface study.

Results are presented in the following forms:

  • Images of the surface – in a digital form as standard file of the high resolution (1280x960 pic).
  • The system of digital treatment (data storage, averaging-out etc) allows to improve images.

Samples requirements

Sizes of solid sample are not more than 200 mm in diameter and 80 mm in height.

The surface of Ni3Al alloy

The surface of Ni3Al alloy

Netting of FeCrAl alloy

Netting of FeCrAl alloy

Leading scientists and their research interests

Dr. A.N. Salanov. Solid samples.

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)


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