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5 Lavrentiev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

Carbon nanofiber materials

The BIC's proprietary technology for synthesis of carbon nanofibers (CNF) is based on processing of oil associated gases and organic chloride wastes.

Properties of carbon nanofibers synthesized from oil associated gases
CNF diameter – 50-250 nm   Стопчатая морфология УНВ.jpg Коаксиально-коническая морфология УНВ.jpg нейпорядоченная перистая морфология УНВ.jpg
CNF length up to 0.5 mm
CNF morphology
“Coaxically conical”
“Bulk density, g/cm3
≤ 0.45
≤ 0.65
≤ 0.32
Pore volume, cm3/g
≥ 0.25
≥ 0.30
≥ 0.65
Specific surface area, m2/g
≥ 90
≥ 70
≥ 320
A pilot plant has been constructed for manufacturing of up to 100 kg/y CNF.
Pilot CNF batches have been manufactured for nanoreinforcement of concrete CNF addition (0.05 – 0.2 wt %) provides 1.5-fold increase in the strength of ferroconcrete constructions and 30% reduction in the construction cost.

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