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5 Lavrentiev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

Special Methods

Radioisotope Methods for the study of the mechanisms and reactions kinetics


  • Isotope exchange method: study of the chemical conversion rate under the equilibrium conditions and assessment of the elementary reaction rate constants. It is possible to calculate various types of exchange (homoexchange, heteroexchange).
  • Assessment of kinetic isotope effects: study of the limiting stage of the complicated chemical process and reaction mechanism.
  • Kinetic isotope method: determination of the conversion sequence in the complicated process and measurement of the rate of reaction stages.
  • Thermal desorption method with isotope application: study of the molecule fragmentation peculiarities at the interaction with the catalyst surface.
  • Estimation of the diffusion coefficients with radioisotopes.
  • Determination of the specific metal surface at a small value of the specific surface (from tens cm2). Instrument facilities

SL-4221 scintillation beta-counter for estimation of the radioactivity of the sample containing tritium, C-14, S-35, P-32 and other beta-emitting isotopes, dissolved in the standard liquid scintillators. The sample volume: about 1 ml.

22 042 RFT gamma-spectrometer for recording of the emission and radioactivity spectra of the solid samples containing various gamma emmitters.

E50 Nuciear flow proportional counter for estimation of radioactivity of gas and vapor samples containing tritium or C-14. The counter is used simultaneously with gas-liquid chromatograph for continuos radioactivity analysis. The sample volume: about 1 ml of gaseous or 1 ml of liquid sample.

Leading scientists and their research interests

Dr. V.A. Rogov. Isotope methods in chemical kinetics.
Dr. G.D. Bukatov. Olefin polymerization.

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