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5 Lavrentiev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

Phase Analysis Methods

Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)

Objects of study

Solid and fluid samples in the form of surface slicks, plates, coatings, powders, tablets, pellets, solutions, sols and gels.


  • Finding information of internal structure of substances to obtain direct data about the shapes and scattering nanoparticles distribution (heterogeneities of electronic density) from 1 to 200 nm in size.
  • Determination of values of some nanoparticle’s structural invariants in monodispersed systems: radii of gyration (volumetric, cross section and thickness); a volume and area of surface; the maximum size in a particle and correlation length.
  • Investigation of nanoparticles size distribution in polydispesed systems.
  • Determination of specific surface and fractal of internal structure of samples.
  • Study of macromolecular mechanisms of equilibrium interactions between nanoparticles and complexes in binary mixtures of solutions, sols or gels in chemical and biochemical processes to determine reaction stages, stoichiometry of the complexes formed and thermodynamic characteristics (equilibrium constants).

Instrument facilities

Small-angle X-ray diffractometer of Siemens (Germany), Anton Paar and Hecus-Braun firms (Austria) with small-angle camera Kratky (“Compact camera”). The camera allows to measure X-ray scattering on solid and liquid samples in the area from the smallest angles up to 7 grad; the maximum resolution of the camera is 300 nm; the X-ray tube with a copper anode (λCuKα = 0.154 nm) is applied; there is ability of samples termostabilization from 0 up to 70°C within ± 0,1°C.

Samples requirements

Thin films, tablet, plate, coating by the size not less than 1x10 mm2; powders, pellets, solutions, gels and sols with a volume of a disperse phase not less than 0.05 cm3.

Leading scientists and their research interests

Prof. F.V. Tuzikov. Study of molecular mechanisms of chemical and biological catalysis, nanostructural analysis of substances, analysis of the components of blood for medicine, small-angle radiography in situ, development of scientific equipments.

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