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Spectral Methods

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)


Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)


Electron Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Objects of analysis

Dispersed ferro- and ferrimagnetics, magnetic layers, any solid and liquid samples, containing magnetic particles.


  • Determination of geometric and magnetic characteristics for dispersed magnetics and layers.
  • Investigation of interparticle magnetic interaction in dispersed magnetics.
  • Investigation of magnetization process in magnetic nanoparticles.
  • In-situ investigation of magnetic phase in various catalytic systems including the stage of its formation.
  • Study of physicochemical processes with magnetic surface participation.

Instrument facilities

ESR spectrometer Bruker-200, ESR spectrometer Bruker-EMX (from the EPR Center of Collective Use in Siberian Brunch) allow to study in-situ at temperatures from 77 K to 500 K.

  • The new type of FMR spectra of dispersed magnetics (Fine Structure of Ferromagnetic Resonance) revealed in BIC essentially extends possibilities of FMR method owing to considerable increasing of resolution and sensitivity (up to 2 orders of magnitude). Sensitivity of the FMR method for ferromagnetic phase is ≤ 10–6 g.

The FMR spectrum

The FMR spectrum of Ln0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystal:

(a) – general view, (b) – the FMR fine structure obtained after the subtraction of the smooth background component.

In the insert (c1), (c2) – a sequence of FMR FS spectra obtained in independent registration series at unchangeable specimen position in the spectrometer cavity, (c3) the specimen is turned by 5°, Treg=296 K.

Samples requirements

Maximal size of solid sample is 8 mm.

Leading scientists and their research interests

Prof. V.F. Yudanov and Dr. O.N. Martyanov. Dispersed magnetics, magnetic layers.

Ultraviolet-Visual (UV-VIS) Adsorption Spectroscopy, Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy


Infra-Red Spectroscopy (IRS)


Fluorescent Analysis


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